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Writer's pictureSteph Santos

September 2021: The 'New Girl' and Work Month

I feel like all I've done this month is work. That's also all I've done since March 2020– time off is truly pending. I can't complain though, it's a pretty good gig. 11-year-old me would definitely be proud, 16 year-old-me might even be a little overwhelmed. We did it kid, we cracked the code.

This month I've indulged in Fox's New Girl. I'm currently on the fourth season and Schmidt is my favourite, Nick pisses me off, Winston is Winston. I do really like Cece, actually I'm convinced I'm living out my own Cece-Schmidt story at the minute, maybe that's why New Girl is my comfort show. As far as sit-coms go, this is the only one that's stood the test of time for me– even HIMYM stopped being funny after a while.

In between work, I've been exploring plants and flowers. I feel way more connected to nature than ever before– I'll take a walk through woods or a swim in a lake over a boujee central London restaurant any day. My go-to restaurants aren't even in London at this point, that's how much I dislike the city.

Finally, this one has decided to take ownership of half my bed. To be honest though, she's really good company on WFH days, and I'm forever being woken up early by her, so it's not too bad. Cats are very different animals to dogs... it's been a learning curve but I'm really getting to know this one's mannerisms. One thing I'm really proud of: she's not aggressive in the slightest. I don't think she knows her claws exist. She'll never try swipe you which makes me think of something I heard yesterday: "Kids don't come out the womb knowing how to be violent and rude, they learn it from you."

Take that as you will.

You can catch all the music I listened to here.

Have a good one guys and I'll catch you at the end of this month :)


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