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Writer's pictureSteph Santos

June 2021 (and a life update)

Hey guys!

I know I know… this post is two weeks late. Please do forgive me.

As it turns out, I’m evolving way quicker than I thought again, and certain formats (such as the really in depth playlist breakdowns) no longer serve me. It’s been a confusing discovery as I’m not entirely sure what to replace it with, or even how. All I know is I don’t want to lose this monthly connection with you guys… so I’m asking you to bear with as I figure it out.

Life is a little like that right? You think you have something sorted and then all of a sudden you grow again and it’s like whoa.

accurate representation of the whoa moment

Anyways, what I was thinking is that I’ll still share the playlists with you guys, but instead of limiting myself to music, I also want to share other things that I’ve been loving or thinking. Maybe in a category format, maybe numbered? Who knows. We’ll find out together 

So, music first, here is June 2021. I loved this playlist, I really did. From S.A.M.’s discography to hearing Bailey’s 'East Side Road' at an event in East, and then rediscovering old bangers from Apple Music’s Easy Listening playlist when I decided to take a 30 minute walk to a slightly different post office (I just needed a change of scenery and some fresh air too) – June was a good month. I hope you guys enjoyed the tracks in here as much as I did.

July 2021 is underway and can be found here. I’m not really sure where this one’s going but then again, when am I ever? So far it’s a mix of old school (Chris Brown’s Loyal), new school (Gabzy and Doja Cat) and even some international romantic tunes in there too (Senza Una Donna).

Aside from music playlists, I’ve been working hard at my new music agency. 17-year-old me would have killed to be here. Forever the commitment-phobe, I think it’s time to focus energy in one place for a while, slow down and learn. It’s been a minute since I had roots anywhere.

water signs are waves

This month I’ve been to watch Black Widow. It’s sooo good. The opening credits alone are phenomenal, but Scarlett Johansson in that white fit? Whew. She just got hotter and hotter, I was in disbelief. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve seen Margot Robbie and Emilia Clarke, both thanks to Camila, so good sis, can we please make Scarlett happen?


Food-wise, I learnt how to make tacos. Me: a G. However, I also established my mind is so potent, it’s actually better spent thinking and dreaming so all these chores and mundane tasks will have to be outsourced. It’s like cleaning – deffo needs to be outsourced.

My friend gifted me a Hufflepuff cap and I think it’s exactly what I needed to embrace my full emotion again haha. I am a Hufflepuff. My Slytherin rising may have you thinking otherwise, but no, I am one snowflake when it comes to emotion and I word-vomit everything.

I’ve noticed my posture is terrible. Like, absolutely terrible. I’m not trying to be 50 looking 60. Or even 40 looking 50. I wanna be 27 looking 27, and 37 looking 27. I can stop aesthetically aging at 30 since every bish seems to get tenfold hotter at 30. Other than that, I’m good, so I figured I need to take my posture, skin and food even more seriously. Consistently moving, eating clean and SPF even on cloudy days. And doctor’s appointments. I’d like to actually acquaint myself with my health services.

gremlin jr

And to wrap up, I’m gonna give you a quick list of other things that have intrigued me lately:

• Miley Cyrus on Joe Rogan’s podcast (I don’t agree entirely, but I think she’s very real, and definitely more insightful than most)

• Turkey rashers, beef slices, avocado and cheese toasted wraps

• Mustangs. I really want one 

• Experimenting with my hair (I’m currently washing it with only water… I just figured we put so much product in our poor hair fibres, what if I just gave mine time to breathe?)

And now a quick list of things I need to improve:

• My water intake (it’s been tragic)

• Balancing my time again (I need time to just rest, chill, reflect, think, know myself and check in with myself)

• Less spending (no more clothes)

That’s me guys, that’s where I’m at. Just a little baby figuring this huge ass world out.

Let me know what you guys have been up to, and if anyone is down, I really wanna go wakeboarding in Sheffield.

All the love,



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